Friday, July 29, 2005

Edufrag wiki

Since it looks like the information structure of this blog is getting too complex, I created an EduFrag wiki. I am using Wikispaces because it is free and the look and feel is very clean, similar to Blogger. The RSS feed is also pretty sweet.

I have started to populate the wiki with Tutorials and references to related work. Feel free to contribute.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

ChemSketch Demo

Yana has made a very nice Camtasia demo of how to use ChemSketch for the organic chemistry related maps. She shows how to create a reaction then save it in a format suitable for upload in Blogger and as a bitmap for later import as an Unreal Tournament texture. I learned several nifty tricks from this brief demo.

Monday, July 18, 2005

EduFrag is live on the internet

It looks like the server is running in dedicated mode right now and is openly available on the internet with up to 10 players. The download of the textures via the game is very slow (maybe 20 mins) so I would recommend that anyone who want to play online download them from the blog first. Those of you creating the texture files, please delete any extra pics to keep the file size as small as possible. 14 megs for the EW file seems way too big for the number of pics in there.

The server should be running pretty much all the time. If you don't find it listed please let me know.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Orgo Frag map 004

We are currently in the process of converting our Unreal Tournament GOTY (Game of the Year Edition) organic chemistry map to UT2004.

The current OrgoFrag map version DM-orgofragb004 is available for download here (textures). Built by Allison.

This is a simple map with 3 rooms and enol chemistry taken from CHEM 243. As usual, there are chemical reactions on the walls. Walking through a correct reaction leads to other parts of the map. Walking through an incorrect reaction will lead to death by falling in a pit.

We played this one in DeathMatch format on the Drexel LAN. By request, we'll schedule some sessions here (OrgoFrag server). Otherwise download the map to give it a spin.

All ideas and feedback by chemistry students or anyone else with interest are welcome. Just put your feedback as a comment on the post in this blog with the relevant map version.

If you with to contribute to the development of maps let me know so I can add you as a contributor to this blog.